Assalamualaikum warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu!
We are an Indian muslim couple expecting our first child in 2 months inshaÁllah. We are planning and researching our best to welcome our child in the most Islamic way. We have already taken note of the Sunnah related to child’s birth Alhamdulillah. Now there are a few points mentioned below that we vaguely understand but would like to get an authentic reply according to Hanafi Fiqh and supported by Qurán or Hadith references, if possible.
1) When is the mother and her baby allowed their first post-partum bath? In our culture it is done on sixth day, also called as chhathi (6th). It is like a small gathering of family members and like a celebrated occasion. I want to know, does Islam forbid or emphasize on first bath before that? Is there any reference that brings out the reson for not taking a bath before 6th day, or is it just a baseless custom?
2) We as parents want to follow the prescribed Sunnah day for Aqiqah (i.e. 7th day). Keeping in mind the respect for relatives and friends, is it possible that we make one sacrifice in the name of Aqiqah on the 7th day and then when we reach our family back in India (we are currently residing in Riyadh, SA) we offer another sacrifice? Is it permissible this way, or shall we go ahead with Aqiqah on 7th day and give most of it to friends here, without organising any feast for our relatives back in India.
3) We have numerous customs and norms related to child’s birth back in India, that are dealt with as obligatory. But we find them offensive to Islamic traditions because they are identical to the customs of the disbelievers. Like there are traditions where the siblings of child’s father are given money and gifts to celebrate the first time worldly tasks of child like star gazing (taking a child out for first time) , or for a child’s first feed. We have not found a base for such traditions in Islam and would like to avoid them. Is it permissible to follow such customs, even after knowing they resemble the belief of Kafirs?
We know the question is long, but we believe that following unruly ideas, specially the ones that arise from other religions and are baseless in Islam, is derogatory to our Imaan. It is like a plaque in Muslim society and needs to be discouraged if it is against Islamic preachings. JazakAllahu khair
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1) Chathi is a ceremony observed by Hindus and Zoroastrians. On the sixth day following birth, the mother and baby take a bath in the evening. They then perform prayers for the safety and well-being of the child. It is a celebrated event wherein various members of the family and community are called.[i]
This practice has absolutely no basis in Islam and taking part in such a practice will be detrimental to ones Imaan. As muslims, we are sensitive to our Imaan and the values of Imaan. We are averse to kufr and anything associated to kufrAccordingly, we advise you to stay away from such a practice. A woman may bathe as she wishes following birth. She is not confined to a specific date or time to take a bath.
2) In principle, it is preferred to perform the aqeeqah of the child on the seventh day. The practice of aqeeqah denotes the slaughtering of the animal and not holding a feast for friends and family. It is neither obligatory nor sunnah for one to hold a feast at the time of aqeeqah. [ii]
Accordingly, you may delay the aqeeqah until you return to India. In doing so, you would not be sinful, and you would not be doing anything contrary to the sunnah. [iii]
3) Evidently, taking offense is a sign of your Iman. The prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has mentioned:
عَنْ ابْنِ عُمَرَ قَالَ : قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَنْ تَشَبَّهَ بِقَوْمٍ فَهُوَ مِنْهُمْ (رواه أبو داود)
Translation: Whoever imitates a nation/people then he is from them. (Abu Dawud)
In essence, the prohibition of emulating the disbelievers in any practice refers to such a practice that is a salient feature of the non-Muslims and has a distinct relation with their religion and practices.[iv] Furthermore, if an action is primarily carried out by the non-Muslims and is such that the pious Muslims abstain from such actions, this action will be prohibited.
In the enquired scenario, you should avoid participating in such events
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mirza-Zain Ibn Ameer Baig
Student - Darul Iftaa
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
22-04-1441| 18-12-2019
الفتاوى الهندية:مكتبة رشيدية: 5:362
وهي ذبح شاة في سابع الولادة وضيافة الناس مباحة لا سنة ولا واجب
التجريد للقدوري: دار السلام:12:6356
استحباب العقيقة
31337 – قال أصحابنا [رحمهما الله]: العقيقة مستحبة، وليست بسنة.
شرح مختصر الطحاوي للجصاص: مؤسسة الرسالة:7:292
العقيقة تطوعٌ وليست واجبة [
قال: (والعقيقة تطوع، من شاء فعلها، ومن شاء تركها).
قال أحمد: روي عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: “كل غلاء رهينة بعقيقته، تذبح عنه يوم السابع، ويحلق رأسه، ويدمى”.
رواه الحسن عن سمرة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم.
وليس في هذا الحديث دلالة على وجوبها؛ لأن قوله: “كل غلام رهينة بعقيقته”: لا يجوز أن يكون مراده وجوبها؛ لأنه لا يخلو حينئذ من أن تكون واجبة على الغلام أو على غيره.
ولا يجوز أن يكون ذلك على الغلام، ويكون مرتهنًا بها؛ لأن الطفل ليس من أهل التكليف، وإن كانت العقيقة عنه على غيره، وهو والده، فلا يجوز أن يكون الصبى مرتهنًا بها على غيره، فكيف تصرفت الحال فلا دلالة في هذا اللفظ على وجوبها.
كتاب النوازل: مكتبة جاويد:14:677
فتاوى قاسمية:اشرف بك ديبوة:22:529
فتاوى محمودية:مكتبة محمزدية:26:416
The Principles and Code of Law in Hanafi Fiqh – Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Pg.145