
Severe Waswasa

Severe Waswasa

Question: Assalam o alaikumwrwb….I have heard that sometime a person says something and then he or she is no longer a muslim.Now this waswasa haunts me… many a times a say something and then thoughts start coming that what if i am no...

Buying/Selling Domains

Buying/Selling Domains

Question: A domain name is what you type to go to a website, like or or etc…When you register a domain name with a registrar like GoDaddy, you are in effect leasing the domain for a year. This is why...

Software Automation Testing in Bank

Software Automation Testing in Bank

Question: Respected MOulana,I will be getting a job in big city in a bank in a software department and request for advise from you:One of the jobs I will most likely be getting will be software test automation job in bank’s software development...

Women Driving and Wearing Perfume

Women Driving and Wearing Perfume

Question: AsalaamualaykumI would like to know if it’s permissible for woman to drive and if it goes against shariah ?What are the limitations for being allowed to do so .I would also like to know if a Muslim woman is allowed to wear perfume (not in...

Trading 212/Forex

Trading 212/Forex

Question: Aslamunalkum aghe how are?? Please explain I started trading 212 online and make little profit for my bills and whatever I’m buying online I’m not sure it’s haram or halal ? And someone is say forex trading is halal what’s the deference...

Pornography Addiction

Pornography Addiction

Question: Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakutuhuI am a mixed race individual striving to improve myself and my Deen daily.  The purpose of this question is outside of marriage I have not guarded my privates (Sending videos/pics through...

Apple Cider and Wine Vinegar

Apple Cider and Wine Vinegar

Question: AssalamualaikumMolanaa,I had 2 question.1) I wanted to know if apple cider vinegar is halal?2) Is wine vinegar halal?Jazakala Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh...

Can I commit suicide?

Can I commit suicide?

Question: I want to commit suicide. Will I go to hell? I suffer from a brain tumor and because of it I have seizures. Stress triggers my seizures and makes my headaches worse I am in a marriage where I have only two children but it’s like I have...

Divorce Query/Divorce Assets

Divorce Query/Divorce Assets

Question: Salam Alaykum WaRahmatullahI was referred to DarulIftaa for seeking Islamic guidance according to the Qur’an and Sunnah.I humbly seek an Islamic ruling from a qualified Mufti or team of Muftis, Fuqaha and/or ‘Ulema in an issue pertaining...

Hemp Oil

Hemp Oil

Question: Are we allowed to use or sell hemp oil ? Answer: In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Hemp oil is derived by pressing hemp seeds. Hemp seeds come from the plant, Cannabis...