My Khala had a Tuhr habit of 21 days and a haidh habit of 5 days
Month of December
In December she had a 28 day tuhr, she started bleeding on the 13thof December and stopped bleeding on the 18thof December.
This Haid was 7 days Late
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Month of January
In the month of January, she saw a tuhr of 22 days and started bleeding on the 10th of January. She stopped bleeding on the 15th of January. Thereafter, she saw a purity of 13 days and bleed for 6 days from the 28th of January to the 2nd of February
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Month of February
She saw blood on the 25th of February and her menstrual period continued normally
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
You state your khaala has always had a regular cycle of 26-28 days, of which 5-6 days are of haidh. Due to the precaution required when dealing with salah, we will take the lesser number in your situation. Thus, according to the information provided, we will determine her Tuhr (Clean) habit to be 21 days and her haidh habit to be 5 days.
The month of December
You state that her menstrual bleeding began seven days after her expected date. Thereafter,she bled for six days.
In principle, one regular occurrence of tuhr or haidh is enough to establish a new habit.[i] Accordingly, her clean habit has now changed to 28 days. In addition, her haidh habit will be five days going forward.
The month of January
Consider this chart so that it may be easy to come to a ruling.
Note: the first row refers to the Gregorian date. The second row refers to the days of the cycle.
Month of December-ـJanuary | Early Blood | Expectd days of Haidh | Irregular Blood | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19 | 20 | 21 | … | 31 | 1 | … | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | …. | 27 | 28 | … | 2 | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | … | 14 | 15 | … | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | …. | 40 | 41 | … | 47 | ||||
Her bleeding began on the 10th of January, six days before her expected days of haidh. She then saw purity for 13 days, from the 16th to the 27th. Important to note that she remained pure during her expected days(days of habit). She then bled on the 28th of January until the 2nd of February. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In this situation, since the clean period is less than 13 days, it is not considered to be complete. Therefore, she will be considered to be continuously bleeding for 24 days, from the 10thof January to the 2nd of February.[ii]
Her clean habit, as mentioned above, was 28 days. The expected days of haidh occurred during the continuous bleeding of 24 days (10th to 2nd). Thus, we will determine her haidh to occur during her expected days. To be precise, the 29th day to the 34th day of her cycle, which corresponds to the 16th of January to the 20st. However, you may ask, how can this be her haidh while there was no actual bleeding that occurred?
The reason thereof is that these days are in the ruling of blood. Therefore, due to it corresponding to the days of her habit, we will rule for those days to be her haidh.[iii]
The month of February
She saw blood on the 25th and then her menstrual period continued normally. In this particular situation, the blood was seen after a completeclean period. Thus, this will be considered her haidh.
As of February 2018, your khala’s tuhr habit will be 28 days and her haidh habit will be 5 days. As you state, her haidh was normal in December and February. However, she experienced irregular bleeding in the month of January.
We have determined that her Haidh will be from the 16th to the 20th January. She will have to make qadha of the salawat missed on the 10th to 15th as well as any fasts that were kept. In addition, she was required to take a ritual bath on the 15th. Therefore, she would have to repeat those salawat that she prayed before taking a ritual bath
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mirza-Zain Ibn Ameer Baig
Student - Darul Iftaa
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
21-02-1441| 21-10-2019
146 منهل الوردين: دار الفكر: [i]
والعادة تثبت بمرة واحدة في الحيض والنفاس) هذا قول أبي يوسف وأبي حنيفة آخرا قال في المحيط وبه يفتي وفي موضع آخر و عليه الفتوى)
فتاوى عثمانية: العصر:1:438
یض ونفاس کے حوالے سے جن عورتون کی عادت مقرر ہوتی ہے، شریعت مین اسی کو اعتبار دیا جاتاہے تاہم عادت کے ثبوت کے لیئے کم از کم اوک حیض یا طہر کامل ہونا ضروری ہے چنانچہ عادت اگر حیض مین دس دن سے کم ایام مین خون بند ہو جائے تو یہ نئی عادت شمار ہوگی
فتاوى عبادر الرحمان:دار الإفتاء و التحقيق:1:463
مذکورہ صورت مین یہ کہا جائے گا کہ عورت کی عادت بادل گئی ہے اور اب اس کی عادت سات دن ہو گیء ہے
والطهر الناقص عن أقله كالدم المتوالي لأنه طهر فاسد لا يفصل بين الدمين
الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي: مكتبة البشرى: 117
و الطهر المتخلل بين الدمين في مدة الحيض فهو كالدم المتوالي
كتاب الحيض-مفتي سيد مختار الدين: دار الإحسان: 4
طہر ناقص خون کے حکم مین ہو نے کی وجہ سے دونون طرف کے درمیان فاصل نہین ہو سکتا گویا اول اور آخر تک برابر خون جاری رہا
فتاوى قاسمية:مكتبة اشرفية:5:243
منهل الواردين:دار الفكر: 141[iii]
فيجوز بداية الحيض بالطهر و ختمها بالطهر
فتح القدير: دار الكتب العلمية:3:172
ولو رات المعتادة قبل عادتها يوما دما وعشرة طهرا ويوما دما فالعشرة التي لم تر فيها الدم حيض إن كان عادتها العشرة. فإن كانت أقل ردت إلى أيامها
كتاب النوازل: مكتبة جاويد: 3:177